Original Art Comic

A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing

A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing
A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing
A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing
A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing
A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing

A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing  A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing
Size: 6.25 x 6.5 inches, unevenly. Condition: The card unevenly cut, with stains, white paint highlights/corrections, signed lower right corner, rough corners and edges, the back with glue residue.
A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing  A Early 20th Century Illustration Cartoon Of Crying Baby With Mother Drawing