Not Available via India Post. N i d h i Art Gallery. All the photos of the twelve quantity item are displayed here.
You can choose anyone of the following painting on first come first get basis. Send the phot & photo number of the painting you are going to by from display images. GirlNbaWPpr 11x15 2002 (2)" "AGirlNbaWtrPpr 11x14 2002" "BoyNbaPclPpr 11x15 2002" "CompositionNbaPnclPpr 15x22 2007" "FairyNbaPclWPpr 15x22 2010" "FatherNbaPclPpr15x22 2011" ". Master of Fine Art in Painting. Size of Painting ------------ 1522 Inch.
Surface Used --------------- White Paper Sheet. Style of Painting ----------- Contemporary Modern. Category of Painting ------ Decorative Theamatic.
Creation Year -------------- 1990 Now. Do following steps to get your item from the packet you received: 1. Remove the security plastic sheet carefully from the packet. Your paintings are there wrapped over the plastic tube unfold them.