You can choose anyone of the following painting on first come first get basis. Send the phot & photo number of the painting you are going to by from display images. "FlowerPot1NbaAOplPpr15x22-2016" "Flower0NbaAPpr15x22-2016" "FlowerNbaAOplCrtrgSht15x22-2010" "FlowerNbaAPpr15x22-2016 (2)" "FlowerNbaAPpr15x22-2016" "FlowerPot0NbaAOplPpr15x22-2016". Master of Fine Art in Painting. Size of Painting ------------ 1522 Inch.
Surface Used --------------- White Paper Sheet. Style of Painting ----------- Contemporary Modern. Category of Painting ------ Decorative Theamatic.
Creation Year -------------- 1990 Now. Do following steps to get your item from the packet you received: 1. Remove the security plastic sheet carefully from the packet.
Your paintings are there wrapped over the plastic tube unfold them.